The last thing you want to do is turn up to your next Motorsport event only to find your equipment is out of date. We know that understanding what Homologation you need (FIA / SNELL / CMR) can sometimes feel like a mine field. The first thing we would suggest is reaching out to your race championship organisers and asking them exactly what Homologation you need. Or failing that, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help.
If you already have a helmet but need to check that your homologation is still in date and valid to race with, we have listed a guide below to all the current homologations and when they are valid until:
FIA Standards are recognised throughout the UK and Europe Motorsport events and represent a higher level of safety standards than the SNELL homologation.
FIA 8860-2004 | Expiry 31/12/2020
FIA 8858-2010 | Expiry 31/12/2023
FIA 8860-2010 | Currently Valid (no expiry date set in next 5 years)
FIA 8859-2015 | Currently Valid (no expiry date set in next 5 years)
When the SA2020 standard helmets are allowed to be sold according to the SNELL foundation guidelines (October 1, 2020), most sanctioning bodies will start phasing out the use of SA2010 helmets. For those that will be interested in getting one of the new SA2020 rated helmets, availability from manufacturers will most likely begin in October 1, 2020 and be phased in throughout 2021. We highly recommend getting your new SA2020 helmet on order sooner rather than later to avoid possible delays. New SA2020 helmet models should be introduced sometime in 2020 so stay tuned for new model updates.
SA2005 | Expiry 31/12/2018
SA2010 | Expiry 31/12/2023
SAH2010 | Expiry 31/12/2023
SA2015 | Expiry 31/12/2023
SA2020 | Currently Valid (no expiry date set in next 5 years)
Snell CMR2016 | Currently Valid (no expiry date set in next 5 years)
CMR2016 is a standard dedicated solely to junior (under 16) kart racing. This standard focuses on specific factors such as weight to ensure minimal rotational mass in the event of an accident.
Snell CMR2016 is the latest homologation for junior helmets.
Weight – Permissible helmet weights depend on the smallest head circumference for which the helmet is intended and whether the helmet is configured to accept a face shield. Headgear shall be weighed in the most massive configuration possible with accompanying helmet paraphernalia.